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Glyconutrition The Future of Health Medicine

Writer's picture: Kryshonda TorresKryshonda Torres

Dearest Wellness Warriors,

This is what they call “Hope”?

We’ve all grown accustomed to the idea that certain maladies will be with us for a long time—perhaps until the Second Coming. Conditions like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis are expected to persist in epidemic proportions, outlasting our lifetimes. Anyone who suggests otherwise is often met with skepticism. When someone claims “there’s hope” for ailments like diabetes, we tend to think they’re trying to sell us something—and usually, we’re right.

But what’s even worse is the kind of “hope” we typically receive:

Studies show that people at high risk for type 2 diabetes can prevent or delay the onset of the disease by losing 5 to 7 percent of their body weight. You can achieve this by eating healthier and getting 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week. In other words, you don’t have to knock yourself out to prevent diabetes. The key is small steps that lead to big rewards. Learn more about your risk for developing type 2 diabetes and the small steps you can take to delay or prevent the disease and live a long, healthy life.

Of course, this is good advice.

No denying it. As a Integrative Nutrition Gut & Hormone Health Coach, I have made this recommendation for years for diabetes and other conditions. Funny enough, as good as it is, I NEVER saw anyone become ecstatic, do cartwheels, or celebrate because they had just received such counsel. Why? BECAUSE WHAT WE REALLY WANT FROM THE MEDICAL WORLD IS A CURE!

And why not? It just doesn’t seem fair that the only real answer to conditions like diabetes or obesity is the “hope” that we stop eating almost everything we enjoy, sweat till we drop, “pop” prescription pills until we’re bloated, and think positive…forever.

A New Future?

So, of course, I was skeptical too when I began to hear the claims associated with glyconutrition. As a long-time medical professional, I know that “claims” are easily made… And who ever heard of “glyconutrition” anyway?

In 1999, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to Dr. Gunter Blobel for his work in the science of Glycobiology (the biology of glyconutrition). Out of the last eight Nobel Prizes awarded in medicine, four have been for discoveries made in this ONE field1. Believe it or not, this field (glyconutrition) affects maladies such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease directly. Why? Because eight sugars have been isolated for their support of the immune system and cell communication. Additionally, human life cannot be supported without them.

This information got my attention. When a single Nobel Prize is won in medicine, everyone pays attention. When four are won in the SAME field, as in this case involving glyconutrition, the medical world is “on fire” with the news.

As this information spread through the medical world, other issues made the news too. For decades, the American Medical Association, the powerhouse of medical professionals, taught that nutritional supplements were not necessary for good health. But in June 2002, the AMA admitted that nutritional supplementation was vital to good health and helpful in treating diseases2.

Also, the prestigious MIT published its findings, stating that these “sugars” were one of ten technologies it believed would change the world in the next decade3. Nutritional supplementation was again vital to the conventional medical world—and at the center of the storm was glyconutrition.

But what really jolted me professionally was this: Until these discoveries, scientists had NO idea how the cells in your body could signal the antibodies that you had an infection and needed immediate attention. We didn’t know how cells communicated their need for nutrition, oxygen, waste elimination, infection healing, and countless other vital functions. Goodness! In the scientific world, we hadn’t even figured out exactly how aspirin relieved a headache. We just knew it worked, so we prescribed it.

Sugar? Say it ain’t so, Kryshonda!

But my attention was riveted when I learned that scientists like Dr. Gunter Blobel had discovered the mechanism that allows cells to COMMUNICATE with other systems in the body. And would you believe it? What he found was astonishing. Sugar…SUGAR! (Glyco = Greek for “sugar”). No, not table sugar (otherwise, diabetics wouldn’t be so excited about this new-found help for their condition). There are over 200 sugars in nature, but eight of them are VITAL to our good health. These eight sugars form the glyconutrition “backbone” that helps the body prevent or heal:

  • Auto-immune diseases such as diabetes and psoriasis

  • Overactive immune disorders such as allergies and asthma

  • Underactive immune disorders such as cancer, TB, and strep

  • Inflammatory disorders such as colitis, ulcers, and fibromyalgia

  • Other conditions such as Alzheimer’s, infertility, and heart disease

Suddenly, the medical world was on fire over glyconutrition. The anecdotal evidence concerning glyconutrition is mounting rapidly as people find that conditions which have long grieved them are becoming a thing of the past. For many, the future no longer looks like a “long, long road” fraught with impossible dieting, grueling workouts, thousands of dollars in prescriptions, and the need to dream positively. People are finding relief from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, allergies, and many other conditions with glyconutrition—and without prescriptions! (Glyconutrition products are NOT prescription items; they’re food.)

Oh yes, I almost forgot. If you go to your doctor and they aren’t aware of glyconutrition, don’t panic. Your doctor cannot possibly keep up with all the signs, symptoms, conditions, and their myriad treatments, chemical compositions, and complications associated with thousands of maladies and the millions of prescription antidotes for those maladies.

That’s why the field of health coaching has exploded, we are here to be the guide on the side to work together with your Functional medicine or Naturopathic doctor in your quest to achieve optimal health.

Incidentally, doctors don’t usually find out first what works. They’re just too busy being overwhelmed with the medical conditions they face day to day. They usually find out like everyone else—they read about it or attend some seminar. Often, the marketplace produces antidotes, or research finds the right treatment, as in this case, long before they do. But I can tell you this: glyconutrition is helping conditions as diverse as diabetes and Alzheimer’s, and many people have hope that these conditions CAN be and are being overcome.

Suddenly, the future isn’t what it used to be…

ACTION STEP: If you’re curious about how health coaching can revolutionize your life, let’s connect! Schedule a ‘Your Health is Your Wealth’ consultation with me today. Not for you? No problem! Pass this offer on to someone you care about and let’s spread the health together!



I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I learned about more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.

Learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Kryshonda Torres is not a physician and the relationship between Kryshonda and her clients is not of a prescriber and patient, but as Health Coach and client. 

It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Kryshonda presents.

OT&E Inc. and Kryshonda Torres cannot guarantee any specific outcome and your individual results may vary.

Before beginning or adding any named supplement to your health routine or regime, please consult with your Naturopathic or Functional Medicine Doctor.


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