The holidays are just around the corner, so along with all the cookie exchanges, Secret Santas, get-togethers and all the positives that come with the season come some additional things like expenses for gifts, travel, and entertaining. Planning for these costs is essential to ensure a stress-free and joyful season.
Did you know that sitting with a financial planner can cost you anywhere from $150 to $300 per hour? Will your current situation allow you to accommodate that? Will your current financial situation allow you to reach your goals?
Before you call me a Debbie Downer, Listen….if not, Here’s some good news: I’m offering FREE Personal Finance Strategy Sessions [PFS] aka End of Year Financial Review!
Where you can review your financial progress, adjust your budgets for the upcoming year, and plan for your charitable giving
Additionally, these sessions can help you:
📍Get rid of debt: No more sleepless nights. Learn how money works and make it work FOR YOU. #ruleof72
📍Budget more: Tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.
📍Invest more: Make your money grow and build a stronger financial foundation.
📍Save more: Create generational wealth.
📍Give more: Have a greater impact on the things you are passionate about.
Remember, there is NOBODY more interested in your financial future than YOU are—not the government, your employer, your union, your bank, nor your broker. It is your responsibility to learn the simple rules of how money works, and I'm here as your guide on the side to help you have a successful ride.
ACTION STEP: Want to learn how to build a stronger financial foundation and make your money work for you?
Ready to master your holiday budget without breaking the bank? 💪🏽✨
Click the link below to schedule a 1:1 session today!